Archive for October, 2008

Technology Prices

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

I just wanted to share that buying a second 1GB stick of RAM for my computer was nearly 10x cheaper than when I bought the first stick a little under 3 years ago. $22 is so much less painful than $172. Technology is sweet.

Recruiting Season

Friday, October 10th, 2008

I am overwhelmed by the opportunities available within the Stanford community, and by the opportunities offered to us by the neighborhood and those further away. My boss told me a few times that I was crazy to leave a successful company where I was one of the most senior employees — but however much more […]


Friday, October 10th, 2008

The trip to Lebanon last month was beyond amazing. Thanks very much to my hosts there, Alison, Riva, and Talal, and to the east-coast hospitality of Seth, Clay, and Simon. Pictures are up at