Archive for November, 2005

Harriet the Fall

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005

It really surprises me that I haven’t heard this before. The news is old so I’m probably not being original, but I thought it was worth posting. Bush never intended Harriet Myers to sit on the Supreme Court. Since spring, he knew he’d get the chance to appoint two Supreme Court Justices, and he knew […]

Thanksgiving! Ski!

Thursday, November 24th, 2005

Nov 24-27
I have some friends who will be coming home to Portland for Thanksgiving, so I might go to Hood a few times with them. I also have some friends who are planning to rent a condo up at Whistler, so I might do that. Anyone interested in hopping on either of those? I still gotta decide where to be.

Dancing for Rain

Thursday, November 24th, 2005

We’re losing daylight but I cant work any faster. Under the veil of dusk we go on, Don’t close your eyes. What if it all disappears in the shadows that reach for the stars? The last six months have been great, but the last two days were amazing. Hard to put in to words, but […]

Trapt Concert

Monday, November 21st, 2005

Trapt, one of my favorite bands, is playing with Aphasia and Blindside at the Roseland Theater in Portland on Monday, Nov 21. Tickets are $15. I’m posting this here because I don’t think any of the people I already know in Portland are into energetic alt-metal music. So if you might wanna come, get in […]


Saturday, November 19th, 2005

As I mentioned earlier, the first weekend in November I got to go to Seattle to present a poster based on the research I did for my senior thesis. It was dope. There weren’t any grad schools there that I was interested in, but I met a bunch of cool undergrads and grad students. It […]


Tuesday, November 15th, 2005

To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake.


I’ll never achieve immortality, but I can aspire to being part of the perpetuation of great mistakes:

Chalk one up…

Thursday, November 10th, 2005

for the portfolio. I’ll probably add it to that page at some point.

ΣΞ Conf in Seattle

Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

Nov 3 – 6
I’m presenting a poster based on my thesis work with Dr. Alongi at the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting & Student Research Conference. The poster title is “Unfair Representation in the Electoral College: A Probabilistic Analysis.” Here’s the abstract: