Archive for April, 2005

some technology

Friday, April 22nd, 2005

check out a satellite view of the exact spot i camped at in Anza-Borrego a couple weeks ago. you can zoom in/out and scroll around to see the whole park; also switch to map view (link at the top-right of the page) to see road names and stuff, though most of the dirt roads are […]

still goin. 3 more weeks

Saturday, April 16th, 2005

On top of thesis, i finished the OTL budget request. download it soon if you wanna see what my life revolves around cuz i’m not leaving that up for long. also beware it’s like 26MB because the photos included are print-quality. hopefully i’ve secured around $12,000 for the club next year. Which is a good […]


Friday, April 1st, 2005

i bet you thought i’d quit this blogging. well you may still be right. i have some things to say though. i finished my senior thesis. i’m really happy with it. you can find it here. it’s a mathematical analysis of voting power and fairness in the Electoral College, as well as voting systems in […]