Recruiting Season

I am overwhelmed by the opportunities available within the Stanford community, and by the opportunities offered to us by the neighborhood and those further away. My boss told me a few times that I was crazy to leave a successful company where I was one of the most senior employees — but however much more my buddies there make than me in an IPO, I’ll be glad I was here.

Also, the Bay Area — I find myself in a place where it’s easy to meet accomplished mathematicians, adventurous nature-lovers, ambitious world-shapers, and genuine, friendly people. It’s easy find people who miraculously combine all of these traits. It may sound arrogant to say I feel like this is where I belong, but being here, surrounded by people with the qualities I strive for, is a humbling and inspiring experience.

Welcome, Deloitte, and recruiters yet to visit. In the end, we all want a good fit, and I’m glad we have so many ways to learn about each other.

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